We then decided that the best possible setting would be a place next to a river because of the lyrics and name of the song the mood of the song is quite sad and about a lost love because of this we made our pictures and the emotions of people in the pictures. Most of the pictures we took were potrait but quite close up and we also took a couple of mid shots to establish the background of the river. The main idea we had was a person wearing a pair of glasses with the reflection of the other person in them however this proved to be difficult as we only had two people in the group and didnt want the camera in the reflection/shot. So we took some pictures of the river in the background and some pictures that related to the lyrics 'you took a chance and made other plans' we took a picture for this of me walking away to convey the meaning of this.
After taking the pictures we then went onto the macs to look through our pictures and decided which were the best ones after we decided this we then went onto photoshop and changed the dimensions to the right ones for a DVD cover. I then imported the photos i wanted to use onto photoshop and i edited them to poster edges to make posteristic which i thought would look really good as a cover. I then put the other pictures on photoshop the ones that i wanted to use for the back of the cover i merged these two images together to make an effect it was a picture of an eye and of a girl walking away to match the lyrics.
The final add ons we had to do was all the text and labels i choose to use two different types of font which were both in italicswhich suited the genre of the songs. I then looked at other dvd music covers and noticed they have a tracklist so i then went on the internet and looked at justin timberlakes album list i used some of the tracks but didnt put them all in the same order.
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